1110 Pine Ridge Road Suite 201

Naples, FL 34108

Phone Number


Last Updated October 10, 2023

Our Privacy Policy explains how information is collected, used, and disclosed by Angels Home Health, with respect to your access and use of our services, through our website (“Service” or “AngelsHomeHealth.com”) or in connection with third-party services.

Information We Collect and How We Use It
Privacy is paramount to us at www.angelshomehealth.com.

We endeavor to ensure you feel secure using www.AngelsHomeHealth.com, detailing below the information we collect and its purpose.

Information You Provide to Us
Most of the information we collect is voluntary or integral to our Service. AngelsHomeHealth.com does not extract any data from our nurses, clients, or patients, beyond what’s essential and given with explicit consent.

While accessing our Service, we may request specific personally identifiable details to contact or identify you. This information might include:

Information Learned From Your Use of AngelsHomeHealth.com
Use of the Services: We amass data on how you interact with AngelsHomeHealth.com, such as your frequency, pages viewed, or time spent. Google Analytics automatically captures this data, ensuring anonymity. We employ this aggregate data to refine the user experience on AngelsHomeHealth.com.

Derived Information: User actions on AngelsHomeHealth.com are analyzed in bulk to ascertain aggregate user patterns. This data improves and personalizes the services we offer.

We might share anonymized aggregate information with third parties. If you wish to opt-out of Google Analytics Advertising Features, access/delete your data via My Activity.

How We Share Your Information with Others
Your personal data is never sold. We only share personal information:

Sharing Content with Third Party Services
AngelsHomeHealth.com may integrate with platforms like Twitter or Facebook. Users decide what information to share. Users are bound by the privacy policies of these platforms, and AngelsHomeHealth.com isn’t responsible for any third-party service integration.

Tracking Technologies and Cookies
Cookies and similar trackers monitor activity on our Service. The technologies we utilize include:

Deleting Your Account
To delete your account with AngelsHomeHealth.com, reach out to us. Some data may remain in backup copies and as mandated by law.

How We Protect Your Information
We use various measures to guard your information. Nevertheless, no security method is foolproof.

Links to Other Sites
AngelsHomeHealth.com might link to other sites. Our Privacy Policy doesn’t extend to these sites.

Removal of Information from Children
We don’t intentionally gather data from children under 13. Should we become aware of such a collection, immediate action will be taken to erase the data.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy
If our Privacy Policy undergoes modifications, AngelsHomeHealth.com will notify users. Continued use of the Service implies acceptance of the revised policy.

Questions or Concerns
Please reach out to us via email or phone if you have queries about our Privacy Policy.